Age Better with Proper Hearing Devices!

Hearing Loss Increases Risks for Falls, Dementia, And Cognitive Decline.

Proper Hearing Devices  are associated with reduced risks for the three most common health problems with aging – dementia, depression, and fall related injuries, according to leading experts at the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.   Many studies are adding to a growing body of information that links hearing loss to memory issues, or rather working memory (recall ability) issues.

Proper “Back End” Hearing Device Care is the solution to avoidance of hearing devices ending up in a drawer or not worn consistently.  Consumers tend to only look at what we call the “front end” expense when comparing devices over-the-counter, or online, or even business to business.  However, the expertise of the Audiologist and knowledge of how to use the software program of a particular hearing device manufacturer optimizes hearing success especially in background noise for the long run.


Save Money By Doing It Right The FIRST TIME!  In our 34 years of experience the most frequent thing we see particularly in the 70 -90 year old age bracket is multiple purchases over the course of three to four years.  Why?  In an effort to “save money” they aren’t getting the proper technology for their hearing loss nor the proper care on the back end of the purchase.  One of the things our audiologists stress in hearing aid evaluation appointments is “Do it Once, Do it Well, and Do it Right” THE FIRST TIME.  You will then have not only a better quality of life through better technology performance, but have the confidence that you will be well taken care of for years to come without having to purchase more hearing devices.



Hearing Loss: More Common Than You Thought

Hearing loss affects more than 60 million Americans over the age of 12

Studies show approximately 28.8 million American adults could significantly benefit from wearing hearing devices.

Hearing loss is on the rise in the U.S.A. and is expected to double by 2060 due to noise-related hearing effects, abundant use of earphones in noisy places causing people to turn up the volume, as well as medical conditions that require ototoxic medications, etc.

Hearing loss is considered the third leading chronic health condition in the United States and rising.

Hearing loss is unique to everyone and can occur at any age. Our average age patient in our clinic is 40-60 years old. Thirty years ago our average age patient was 70-90 years of age.


Frequently Asked Questions

Top Five Frequently Asked

Tinnitus can be in many forms (i.e. ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistle, steam engine sound, etc. It usually is due to hearing loss of some degree or at least some hair cell damage in the ears from noise or medications (the most common).

It could be that you only have hearing loss in one ear or it could be something more serious that an ENT would need to evaluate. Typically, it is hearing loss but in unique cases can be other medical conditions. .

The individual with the hearing loss is NEVER the best judge of how they are hearing. The people that spend the most time with you are and usually can see what you are missing.

Again, the individual with the hearing loss is NEVER the best judge of how they are hearing. The people that spend the most time with you are and usually can see what you are missing. The most common hearing loss we discover is a high frequency hearing loss where most women and children's voices fall. This will make you feel as though your hearing is normal, but when their backs are turned to you or TV is on you can hear them speaking but the clarity isn't there.

This is an indication that there may be some hearing loss particularly in the high frequencies where clarity of words occur.